Request for proposals: Eli and Edythe Broad Innovation Award 2015–2016

Stem cells (Image courtesy of Justin Ichida)
Stem cells (Image courtesy of Justin Ichida)

A recent gift from the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation established the Eli and Edythe Broad Innovation Awards at USC. An annual research grant of $120,000 will be awarded to one innovative, multi-­investigator proposal that broadly advances the goals of USC Stem Cell. We anticipate five awards over the next five years. Personnel other than principal investigators (PIs), supplies and minor equipment up to $10,000 are eligible for funding.

Cutting-edge technical advances, bioengineering, imaging, and molecular, genetic and cellular approaches are all within the scope of funding, provided that the research has clear value to the broad objectives of USC Stem Cell. The goal is to stimulate new research initiatives, not to fund mature research programs. Innovative, well thought out projects with a high likelihood of competitive funding beyond the program period will receive the strongest scores. All USC and USC affiliate faculty are eligible to apply for the award; preference will be given to those without significant available discretionary funds.

A two-­page pre-­proposal comprising a first page with a short biosketch outlining project-­related skills and experience for each investigator, and a second page with an illustrated summary of the project background, aims, goals and relevance to regenerative medicine, is due by October 3, 2014. Pre-proposals will be reviewed by a steering committee chaired by Professor Andy McMahon. The strongest applicants will be invited to present projects to the review panel in early November, and the awardee announced shortly thereafter. The 12-­month funding period is expected to begin on January 1, 2015.

For questions, please contact:
Qing Liu, PhD
Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC