Call for Applications: CIRM Training Fellowships in Stem Cell Biology and Tissue Regeneration at USC

At the lab bench (Photo by Chris Shinn)
(Photo by Chris Shinn)

We have several positions open for USC PhD students and postdocs who are conducting research related to developmental biology, stem cell biology, and/or regenerative medicine. Fellowships are open to all regardless of citizenship status. Predoctoral terms are for 3 years, and postdoctoral terms are for 2 years, dependent on satisfactory progress. Funding will begin January 1.

To apply, please email the following materials in a single PDF to by 11:59 pm of December 7. Please follow the instructions exactly as listed below.

Name your file “Lastname_Firstname_CIRM_###.pdf” – replace ### with either Predoc or Postdoc depending on which you are applying for.

  1. Cover page consisting of the following information as bullet points:
    • Full name
    • Training Lab
    • Title of Research Project
    • Month/Year started at USC and name of entry program for students (e.g., PIBBS)
    • Current PhD program for students (e.g., DSR)
    • Undergraduate School, Month/Year Graduated, GPA
    • Master’s Degree (if applicable), Institution, Month/Year Awarded, GPA
    • Doctoral Degree (if applicable), Institution, Month/Year Awarded
    • Medical/Dental Degree (if applicable), Institution, Month/Year Awarded
    • Current or previous fellowships
  2. NIH-style biosketch – (template:
  3. One-page description of research project and aims (Arial, 11pt font, 0.5” margins)
  4. Two letters of reference (one must be from mentor) – these must be sent separately from your application to Tell your referees to use the following subject line: ‘ApplicantLastname_ApplicantFirstname_CIRM_Ref_RefereeLastName’