We have several positions open for PhD students, postdocs, and clinical trainees who are conducting research related to developmental biology, stem cell biology, and/or regenerative medicine. Fellowships are open to all regardless of citizenship status. Predoctoral terms are for 3 years, and postdoctoral and clinical training terms are for 2 years, dependent on satisfactory progress. Funding will begin November 1.
To apply, please email the following materials in a single PDF to Laura.Hui@med.usc.edu by 11:59 pm of October 21. Please follow the instructions exactly as listed below.
Name your file “Lastname_Firstname_CIRM_###.pdf” – replace ### with either Predoc, Postdoc, or Clinical, depending on which you are applying for.
1. Cover letter including the following information as bullet points:
- Full name
- Training Lab
- Title of Research Project
- Month/Year started at USC and name of entry program for students (e.g., PIBBS)
- Current PhD program for students (e.g., DSR)
- Undergraduate School, Month/Year Graduated, GPA
- Master’s Degree (if applicable), Institution, Month/Year Awarded, GPA
- Doctoral Degree (if applicable), Institution, Month/Year Awarded
- Medical/Dental Degree (if applicable), Institution, Month/Year Awarded
- Current or previous fellowships
2. NIH-style biosketch – (template: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm)
3. One-page description of research project and aims (Arial, 11pt font, 0.5” margins)
4. Two letters of reference (one must be from mentor) – these must be sent separately from your application to Laura.Hui@med.usc.edu. Tell your referees to use the following subject line: ‘ApplicantLastname_ApplicantFirstname_CIRM_Ref_RefereeLastName’