2014 Call for applications for postdoctoral training program in stem cell biology

The Hearst Fellows will be exceptional junior postdoctoral scholars pursuing stem cell research at USC. (Photo by Chris Shinn)
The Hearst Fellows will be exceptional junior postdoctoral scholars pursuing stem cell research at USC. (Photo by Chris Shinn)

The CIRM Training Program invites applicants to apply for openings at the postdoctoral level.

The Keck School of Medicine of USC, with support from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), has established a comprehensive training program in stem cell biology.

Trainees will participate in mentored laboratory research, the annual Stem Cell/ Development Biology Retreat, Stem Cell/ Development weekly talks, the CIRM annual meeting in San Francisco, and two required courses.

CIRM Scholars will receive one year of support, with a possible second year. The support will consist of a stipend and research funding.

CIRM Scholars need not be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.


Candidates should submit:

A. a cover page, including the name of the applicant and title of the proposal;
B. a brief research proposal, consisting of Specific Aims (limited to 1 page), Importance of the Problem (limited to 1 page) and Research Design (limited to 3 pages);
C. a Biosketch of the applicant, including educational background, research experience and publications;
D. a 3-page NIH Biosketch of the proposed mentor; and
E. a brief statement of career plans.

In addition, candidates should arrange to have two letters of recommendation to be emailed directly to the Committee (jejohnso@usc.edu). One of the two should be from the mentor.

The deadline for the receipt of Applications is June 13, 2014. Applications (as an attached PDF file) should be emailed to John Johnson (jejohnso@usc.edu). On the subject line, put: “Traineeship Application — your name.”

If you have any questions about the CIRM Scholars positions, feel free to contact John Johnson at 323-865-0639 or jejohnso@usc.edu.