2021 Call for Applications: T32 Fellowships in Developmental Biology, Stem Cells, and Regeneration

USC's stem cell research center
USC's stem cell research center (Photo by Ben Gibbs)

All PhD students who are conducting research related to developmental biology, stem cell biology, and/or regenerative medicine are encouraged to apply for a training fellowship. We have several slots available for both U.S. Citizens and international students, and funding will be for one year with a second year dependent on participation in program activities and satisfactory progress (as well as T32 renewal). Funding will begin August 1. All PhD students are eligible to apply, though a preference will be for DSR students.

To apply, please email the following materials in a single PDF to gcrump@usc.edu by 11:59 p.m. of July 16. Please follow the instructions exactly as listed below.

Name your file “Lastname_Firstname_T32.pdf”

  1. Cover letter including the following information:
  • Full name
  • U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident status
  • Training Lab
  • Title of research project
  • Month/year started at USC and name of entry program (e.g., PIBBS)
  • Current PhD program (e.g., DSR)
  • Undergraduate school, month/year graduated, GPA
  • Master’s degree (if applicable), month/year awarded, GPA
  • Current or previous fellowships as PhD student
  1. NIH-style biosketch—e.g., as provided for F31 NRSA application https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm
  1. One-page description of research project (Arial, 11 point font, 0.5” margins)

Select students will be invited to present before a committee prior to determination of fellowships. This will consist of an 8-minute presentation followed by up to 5 minutes of questions.