All PhD students who are conducting research related to developmental biology, stem cell biology, and/or regenerative medicine are encouraged to apply for a training fellowship. We have several slots available for both U.S. Citizens and international students, and funding will be for one year with a second year dependent on participation in program activities and satisfactory progress. Funding will begin August 1. All PhD students are eligible to apply, though a preference will be for DSR students.
To apply, please email the following materials in a single PDF to by 11:59 p.m. of June 10. Please follow the instructions exactly as listed below.
Name your file “Lastname_Firstname_T32.pdf”
- Cover letter including the following information:
- Full name
- U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident status
- Training Lab
- Title of research project
- Month/year started at USC and name of entry program (e.g., PIBBS)
- Current PhD program (e.g., DSR)
- Undergraduate school, month/year Graduated, GPA
- Master’s Degree (if applicable), month/year Awarded, GPA
- Current or previous fellowships as PhD student
- NIH-style biosketch—e.g., as provided for F31 NRSA application
- One-page description of research project (Arial, 11 point font, 0.5” margins)
Select students will be invited to present before a committee prior to determination of fellowships. This will consist of an 8-minute presentation followed by up to 5 minutes of questions.