A recent gift from the Hearst Foundations established the Hearst Fellows at USC. An annual fellowship award of $70,000 that includes one year of salary and benefits will be made to an exceptional junior postdoctoral researcher within USC’s stem cell research community. This investment and prestigious recognition for a total of three talented junior postdoctoral fellows is designed to ensure that they have the resources to start their postdoctoral fellowship within the first two years at USC and acquire preliminary data that will make them more competitive for nationwide postdoctoral fellowship programs.
The Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC is accepting applications from postdoctoral fellows planning to (within six months of application deadline) or have already engaged in stem cell-related research at USC. Fellows are eligible up to the end of their second year after joining USC.
A complete proposal that includes a CV of the prospective postdoctoral fellow and a two-page proposal of the project is due by July 15, 2015 at 5 p.m. (PST). Applications will be reviewed by an internal committee, and the successful one will be announced by August 15, 2015. The 12-month funding period begins September 1, 2015.
At the conclusion of the award period, fellows will provide a written report to the Hearst Foundations on the research, its significance and its impact and how the project has led to or will lead to continued support.
Application Materials
To be submitted as a single, merged PDF document to Qing Liu at qliumich@med.usc.edu
- Applicant information (cover page):
- Name
- Contact information (phone, email)
- Undergraduate and doctoral degree, month/year of conferral
- Principal Investigator/Lab
- Month and year you joined the PI’s lab
- Research title, area of study
- Applicant cover letter
- Description of previous research and teaching experience
- Statement on the transformative impact s/he had on the field of research
- Commitment to the field of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine
- Bio sketch in NIH format
- Bibliography of all published works
- Research proposal (not to exceed two single-spaced pages with one inch margins using 12-point font)
- Executive lay summary
- Brief background and Significance of the proposed research
- Specific research aims/objectives
- Methodology/Approach
- Relevance of applicant’s background to the proposed research
- Reference letters from sponsoring principal investigator and one other faculty member testifying to candidate’s qualifications for the proposed research project and candidate’s potential for successful independent research
Qing Liu, PhD
Program Director
Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC