The Li Lab is hiring

Dr. Li and his team aim to bridge basic studies of kidney organogenesis and translational applications of stem/progenitor cell-based kidney regeneration and disease modeling, with the long-term goal of rebuilding the kidney. …

The Lu Lab is hiring

Dr. Rong Lu’s lab studies stem cell coordination, regulation and malfunction from a single cell perspective. If you’re interested in studying stem cells or cancer at the single cell level, please email …

The Shwartz Lab is hiring

The Shwartz Lab at USC Stem Cell is a multidisciplinary group combining neuroscience, stem cell biology and physiology, to study skin stem cell regulation in homeostasis and in response to multiple challenges. …

Meet USC faculty member Jianfu (Jeff) Chen

The Chen laboratory uses mouse genetics and human stem cells and organoids to study brain development and craniofacial neuroscience. The goal is to develop therapeutic strategies to treat developmental brain and craniofacial …