Seeking MD applicants at the residency, immediate post-residency or Clinical Fellowship level for up to two year participation in a California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) training program at the University of Southern California. Fellows may be involved in laboratory research or patient-based clinical research and will receive formal training in stem cell biology.
Candidates should submit a brief research proposal, consisting of Specific Aims (limited to one page), Importance of the Problem (limited to one page), and Research Design (limited to three pages). In addition, candidates should submit a biosketch, including their educational background, research experience, and publications, a NIH biosketch of their proposed mentor, and a statement of their career plans. Candidates should also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be emailed to the Selection Committee.
Applications are due May 1, 2013.
Applications (as pdf files) should be emailed to John Johnson, CIRM Training Grant Administrative Coordinator