News & Events


Meet USC Stem Cell scientist and former professional volleyball player Leonardo Morsut

USC scientist Rong Lu studies how stem cells work together

Larissa Rodriguez and colleagues aim to reduce bathroom breaks with stem cells

Doerr Stem Cell Challenge Grants: heart regeneration and cell migration

Students from USC’s Master of Science in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

A fasting-mimicking diet reduces disease risk factors in humans and reverses diabetes in mice

Bone defects inspire perfect union between surgeon-scientist and stem cell researchers at USC

White board: spinal cord injury

Broad gift 10th anniversary video

USC Stem Cell junior faculty

USC Stem Cell’s Andy McMahon investigates treatments for kidney disease

USC Stem Cell scientist Justin Ichida named New York Stem Cell Foundation – Robertson Investigator

White board: clinical trials 101

Scientists Qi-Long Ying and Austin Smith win the 2016 McEwen Award for Innovation

USC Stem Cell scientist Joe Rodgers

White board: HIV/AIDS

Engineering undergraduates focus on building a microscope for USC’s stem cell research center

Student voices: USC’s Master of Science in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Take a tour of USC’s stem cell research center

Faculty profile: Megan McCain