The A.P. Giannini Foundation invites physician-scientists and junior researchers with three to 36 months of postdoctoral research experience to apply to the 2018 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program. The Fellowship Program supports innovative research in the basic sciences and applied fields, and trains fellows to become established investigators. The research project should advance the translation of biomedical science into treatments, preventions and cures for human diseases.
Internal Submission and Selection Process
- The application portal is open. The Keck School of Medicine (KSOM) Office of Foundation Relations must receive complete application and letters of reference before 5 p.m. (PT) on Friday, October 6, 2017 for an internal review organized by the Office of Research Advancement.
- Candidates will be notified of any recommended revisions to their proposals by October 16, 2017 and all final revisions will be due to the Office of Foundation Relations by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 via the application portal.
- The KSOM Office of Foundation Relations will submit all application to the A.P. Giannini Foundation on behalf of all candidates for the November 6, 2017 deadline. Please contact Reshma Anvekar at ranvekar@med.usc.edu for more information.
- must have completed no less than three months and no more than three years in their mentor’s laboratory as of December 31, 2017
- must be a U.S. citizen or permanent alien resident
- must hold or complete an MD, MD/PhD, PhD or equivalent degree before activation of training
- must arrange research training before applying to the program. Research training program must be sponsored by an accredited California medical school and performed under the mentorship of a principal investigator (PI) at the sponsoring medical school. Mentor must hold a full-time faculty appointment at the sponsoring medical school as the fellow. Mentor may supervise a maximum of two A.P. Giannini Foundation fellows in any one year.
- competitive stipend for research training and an annual allowance for career development programs, services and resources
- Stipends can only be used for salary support. The current stipends are $51,000 in Year 1, $52,000 in Year 2 and $53,000 in Year 3. The foundation will announce the 2018 fellowship stipends by December 15, 2017.
- Candidates may be eligible to obtain additional salary support from their sponsoring institution. Candidates cannot currently hold a full fellowship from another source or a federally funded career development award.
KSOM Timeline
September 12, 2017: Informational session in NRT G508 (Harlyne Tower)
October 6, 2017: Initial application and letters of reference due to KSOM Office of Foundation Relations
October 31, 2017: Final application revisions due to KSOM Office of Foundation Relations
February 2018: Finalists (selected by the Foundation) will work with the Office of Research to refine pitches for finalist round
A.P. Giannini Foundation Timeline
December 2017: Initial application review and evaluation by Scientific Advisory Committee of A.P. Giannini Foundation
January 17, 2018: Finalists selected and notified
March 2, 2018: Finalist interviews and final awardee decision