A generous bequest by the Audrey E. Streedain Trust to the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of USC has established the Audrey E. Streedain Postdoctoral Excellence Award.
Each year starting in 2018, two awards of $5,000 each will recognize exceptional postdoctoral trainees, nominated by their principal investigators (PIs), in any lab affiliated with USC Stem Cell. The award is for the awardee’s personal use only.
For the application, PIs should provide a one-paragraph justification of why the postdoc should receive the award, along with the postdoc’s NIH-style biosketch. Applications for these awards are due December 30, 2017, and funds will be awarded on February 1, 2018.
All applications should be submitted to Dr. Qing Liu-Michael at qliumich@med.usc.edu.