
(Image courtesy of USC Davis School of Gerontology); featured image for One size doesn’t fit all

One size doesn’t fit all

How the sexes age differently, and what that might mean for scientists, doctors and patients. When we study aging, who are we really studying? Men? Or women? Does it even matter? Bérénice …

Justin Ichida‘s lab is doing groundbreaking work in the field of stem cell research. (Photo/Damon Casarez); featured image for His race against ALS: Justin Ichida

His race against ALS: Justin Ichida

Story courtesy of Trojan Family Magazine Justin Ichida regularly gets emails from strangers asking the same urgent question: “Will your research on ALS be done in time to save my life?” The …

Justin Ichida (Photo by Chris Shinn); featured image for The USC scientist who aims to beat ALS, and the patients cheering him on

The USC scientist who aims to beat ALS, and the patients cheering him on

Justin Ichida regularly gets emails from strangers asking an urgent question: Will your research on ALS be done in time to save my life? “I don’t really know them, but they tell …