Dr. Ichida’s research focuses on how genetic and environmental factors contribute to human neurodegenerative disease. His laboratory uses cellular reprogramming and stem cell technology to build patient-specific in vitro models of neurodegenerative disease, enabling the screening of drug-like compounds in search of potential therapeutics.


From right, Qi-Long Ying, director of the Chang Stem Cell Engineering Facility; Daniel Chang; Andy McMahon, director of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC; and Cai Li Chang (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Chang Stem Cell Engineering Facility brings gene editing to USC and beyond

Chang Stem Cell Engineering Facility brings gene editing to USC and beyond

Once the stuff of science fiction, genetic engineering is now offered on a fee-for-service basis at USC. On September 19, USC Stem Cell faculty and staff welcomed their supporters, the Chang and …

Motor neurons derived from an ALS patient (Image courtesy of the Ichida Lab); featured image for USC Stem Cell researcher Justin Ichida receives $300,000 Muscular Dystrophy Association grant

USC Stem Cell researcher Justin Ichida receives $300,000 Muscular Dystrophy Association grant

Ten percent of all patients with two neurodegenerative diseases — frontotemperal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease — possess a mutation in the same gene. …

From left, Jon-Paul Pepper, Min Yu and Kevin S. King; featured image for The Baxter Foundation awards grants to USC researchers Min Yu, Jon-Paul Pepper and Kevin S. King

The Baxter Foundation awards grants to USC researchers Min Yu, Jon-Paul Pepper and Kevin S. King

It takes a very special doctor to push beyond existing patient treatments and engage in the quest for new ones. That’s why the Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation has selected …

Snapshot of a neurovascular unit, consisting of neurons (pink), astrocytes (blue), resident microglia (green), a penetrating arteriole and capillaries (white) (Photo courtesy of the Zlokovic Lab); featured image for Researchers clarify role of genetic risk factor in Alzheimer’s

Researchers clarify role of genetic risk factor in Alzheimer’s

Scientists at the Keck School of Medicine of USC have discovered that a protein known as PICALM regulates removal of toxic plaques from the brain, which could be a potential therapeutic target …

USC graduate student Du Jiang (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Tri-institutional Stem Cell Retreat brings together Broad centers from USC, UCLA and UCSF

Tri-institutional Stem Cell Retreat brings together Broad centers from USC, UCLA and UCSF

Working alone, a scientist or university can only make so much progress in finding answers to basic questions or new treatments for diseases ranging from HIV to cancer to diabetes. That’s why …

Justin Ichida, PhD (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for USC Stem Cell’s Justin Ichida, Sanofi and DRVision team up to fight ALS

USC Stem Cell’s Justin Ichida, Sanofi and DRVision team up to fight ALS

USC Stem Cell researcher Justin Ichida has marshaled the expertise of pharmaceutical company Sanofi and start up DRVision Technologies along with $1.5 million in federal funding to find new drugs to fight …

Fred H. Gage delivered a brainy keynote address. (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for USC Stem Cell Symposium creates scientific synergy

USC Stem Cell Symposium creates scientific synergy

Provost Michael Quick convened the inaugural USC Stem Cell Symposium with a straightforward truth about the future of regenerative medicine: “it will take a dedicated community of scholars across the disciplines to …

“Tin Woman” Michaela Patterson, a postdoctoral scholar in the lab of Henry Sucov, studies heart regeneration — with no help from the Wizard of Oz. (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Halloween retreat showcases USC’s “scary smart” stem cell researchers

Halloween retreat showcases USC’s “scary smart” stem cell researchers

It was no tricks and all treats at the seventh annual retreat for the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC, held at the university’s …

Justin Ichida, PhD (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Justin Ichida screens potential therapies for Lou Gehrig’s disease

Justin Ichida screens potential therapies for Lou Gehrig’s disease

Justin Ichida started young on his path to becoming a scientist. He was in seventh grade when he discovered his passion for genetics through the pages of Michael Crichton’s Jurassic Park. “It’s …

Graduate student Kimberley Babos explains how research at the Eli and Edythe Broad CIRM Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC may help find effective drugs to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Military veterans are more likely than civilians to suffer from the devastating disease. (Photo by Steve Cohn); featured image for General David H. Petraeus gets a four-star tour of HSC

General David H. Petraeus gets a four-star tour of HSC

Petraeus—who also serves as the Judge Widney Professor at USC and Chairman of the KKR Global Institute—started his morning with a glimpse into the human brain. Faculty and students from the USC …

Jon-Paul Pepper (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Jon-Paul Pepper is a surgeon, scientist, student and award-winner

Jon-Paul Pepper is a surgeon, scientist, student and award-winner

Video by Alric Devotta USC’s Jon-Paul Pepper is not the average award winner. He’s also not the average facial plastic surgeon, faculty researcher or master’s student — in part, because he’s currently all …

Neil Segil, PhD, (right) gets a glimpse into retinal regeneration. (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for USC stem cell PhD students present their blueprints for rebuilding the body

USC stem cell PhD students present their blueprints for rebuilding the body

Video by Alric Devotta The students in the new PhD program in Development, Stem Cells, and Regenerative Medicine recently presented some ideas that would give Dr. Frankenstein a run for his money. …

Andy McMahon (Photo by Phil Channing); featured image for Andy McMahon and USC Stem Cell: From discoveries to cures

Andy McMahon and USC Stem Cell: From discoveries to cures

Video by Little Pictures How do fingers become fingers and not toes? How does the brain generate the correct number of neurons? How do the kidneys branch into the complex and elegant …

Justin Ichida (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for The Baxter Foundation supports innovative, young medical researchers at USC

The Baxter Foundation supports innovative, young medical researchers at USC

In 1959, the Donald E. and Delia B. Baxter Foundation made its first grant of $6,000 to USC. Fifty-five years later, the foundation continues its tradition of supporting innovative medical research with …

From right, philanthropist Kin-Chung (KC) Choi; USC’s stem cell research center director Andy McMahon and program director Qing Liu-Michael; and KC’s wife Amy Choi, daughter Lucia Choi-Dalton, daughter-in-law Queence Choi, and son and USC alumnus Henry Choi. (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for USC Stem Cell celebrates the grand opening of the Choi Family Therapeutic Screening Facility

USC Stem Cell celebrates the grand opening of the Choi Family Therapeutic Screening Facility

How can scientists make more accurate predictions about which potential drugs will effectively treat disease — before launching expensive and laborious human clinical trials? USC’s new Choi Family Therapeutic Screening Facility offers …

Keynote speaker Clive Svendsen (right) and Director Andy McMahon; featured image for A Retreat from everything but stem cells

A Retreat from everything but stem cells

It wasn’t the pristine 27-hole course that drew more than 120 stem cell researchers from USC and beyond to the Desert Princess Golf Resort near Palm Springs. It was the sixth annual …

From left, Gage Crump, Jay R. Lieberman and Francesca Mariani (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for USC announces winners of first Regenerative Medicine Initiative awards

USC announces winners of first Regenerative Medicine Initiative awards

Three newly assembled disease teams within USC Stem Cell will take the early steps this year that might lead to future stem-cell based therapies for certain forms of deafness, bone defects and …

Justin Ichida (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Justin Ichida joins USC’s stem cell biology and regenerative medicine team

Justin Ichida joins USC’s stem cell biology and regenerative medicine team

Justin Ichida, PhD, recently joined the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research as an assistant professor in the new Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative …