Dr. Wang’s lab focuses on the integration of biotechnologies in cellular and molecular engineering for the development of genetically-encoded biosensors and the application of them to visualize molecular events in live cells and animals. His lab also develops molecular sensors and transducers for the engineering of immune cells to control genetic and epigenetic activities targeting cancer immunotherapy. For example, his group engineers CAR T cells and macrophages so that they can be remotely and non-invasively controlled by ultrasound waves to recognize and eradicate tumors.  


Dwight C. and Hildagarde E. Baum Chair in Biomedical Engineering Peter Yingxiao Wang. Image/David Baillot, UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering.; featured image for Turning a tumor’s “shield” into a weapon against itself

Turning a tumor’s “shield” into a weapon against itself

USC Viterbi biomedical engineers have designed a new protein that targets and disables tumor cells’ defenses while marking cancer cells for death. Tumor cells are “cunning,” according to Peter Yingxiao Wang. They …

Building an Incubator for Medicine of the 21st Century; featured image for Building an Incubator for Medicine of the 21st Century

Building an Incubator for Medicine of the 21st Century

USC Stem Cell is pleased to introduce our new publication. We hope you’ll enjoy reflecting back on our history, while looking ahead to the transformative times to come. Read now at https://stemcell.keck.usc.edu/wp-content/themes/stemcell/incubator.

PROFESSOR LONGWEI LIU (PHOTO COURTESY OF SHANSHAN QIN); featured image for Illuminating cancer

Illuminating cancer

Longwei Liu joins USC Viterbi and the Wang Lab to uncover the secret interactions between immune cells and cancer cells with the help of fluorescent trackers.   Through the lens of a …