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Mentioned in this article: Andrew P. McMahon, PhD, FRS, Gage Crump, PhD, Mohamed Abou-el-Enein, MD, PhD, MSPH, Albert E. Almada, PhD, Oliver Bell, PhD, Michael Bonaguidi, PhD, Paula Cannon, PhD, Yang Chai, DDS, PhD, Denis Evseenko, MD, PhD, Scott E. Fraser, PhD, Senta Georgia, PhD, Ksenia Gnedeva, PhD, Justin Ichida, PhD, Unmesh Jadhav, PhD, Zhongwei Li, PhD, Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien, PhD, Nils Lindström, PhD, Thomas Lozito, PhD, Francesca Mariani, PhD, Robert E. Maxson, PhD, Megan McCain, PhD, Louise Menendez, PhD, Leonardo Morsut, PhD, Giorgia Quadrato, PhD, Yulia Shwartz, PhD, Peter Yingxiao Wang, PhD, Qi-Long Ying, MD, PhD