To accelerate therapeutic development and delivery of stem cell therapies, CIRM is establishing the CIRM Alpha Stem Cell Clinics (CASC) Network. This network will provide a high quality, efficient infrastructure to support clinical research emanating from CIRM’s funding pipeline as well as non-CIRM funded investigator- or industry-sponsored trials with stem cell products being developed in California, or those developed worldwide and brought to California.
The CASC Initiative consists of two linked Requests for Applications (RFAs):
a) RFA13-06: Alpha Stem Cell Clinics Sites: Up to five clinical sites located in or affiliated with existing academic centers. (See cirm.ca.gov/our-funding/research-rfas/alpha-stem-cell-clinics)
b) RFA13-07: Coordinating and Information Management Center (CIMC): One coordinating center to facilitate the efficiency and effectiveness of the network of clinical sites across California. (See cirm.ca.gov/our-funding/research-rfas/coordinating-and-information-management-center)