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Cancer News
Stem cell (Creative Commons image by Reuters); featured image for NIH grants spur new stem cell research in the Department of Medicine

NIH grants spur new stem cell research in the Department of Medicine

Cutbacks in National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding have made the climate for new research challenging. Three studies from investigators in the Department of Medicine at the Keck School of Medicine of …

Rong Lu and Min Yu (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Min Yu and Rong Lu explore how one bad cell spoils the bunch

Min Yu and Rong Lu explore how one bad cell spoils the bunch

Principal investigators Min Yu, MD, PhD, and Rong Lu, PhD, had plans to collaborate long before they were both recruited to the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine at the …

SJ Gao (Photo courtesy of USC); featured image for Viral molecules responsible for causing AIDS-related cancer

Viral molecules responsible for causing AIDS-related cancer

Using a rat stem cell model, USC researcher S. J. Gao, PhD and colleagues have identified a critical cancer-causing component in the virus that causes Kaposi’s sarcoma, the most common cancer among …

Valter Longo (Photo by Dietmar Quistorf); featured image for Valter Longo seeks a recipe for longevity

Valter Longo seeks a recipe for longevity

Video by the USC Davis School of Gerontology Valter Longo, PhD, principal investigator with USC Stem Cell, is out to prove that gerontology is a young man’s game — just like rock …

From left to right: Marvin Nelson, MD, MBA, Rex Moats, PhD, Brent Polk, MD, Elizabeth Garrett, JD, Scott Fraser, PhD, Carmen Puliafito, MD, MBA (Photo courtesy of Children's Hospital Los Angeles)

USC and Children’s Hospital Los Angeles launch imaging lab for translational research

With the launch of the Translational Biomedical Imaging Lab (TBIL), investigators at the University of Southern California (USC) and The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles moved us closer to a …

Andy McMahon (Photo by Phil Channing); featured image for Hedgehog’s long snout finds a cure

Hedgehog’s long snout finds a cure

In 1993, the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) funded three researchers through one of the program’s prestigious Research Grants to work jointly on patterning of the mid-hindbrain region of the vertebrate embryo. …

The study focused on tumors that can cause progressive enlargement of the jaw.; featured image for Healthy stem cells can create benign tumors in jaw

Healthy stem cells can create benign tumors in jaw

A new study from the Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC published in Cell Stem Cell illustrates how changes in cell signaling can cause ordinary stem cells in the jaw to start …

Cancer cells (Image courtesy of Creative Commons); featured image for USC researchers grow organs to unlock secrets of how cancer tumors grow

USC researchers grow organs to unlock secrets of how cancer tumors grow

Using three-dimensional organ creation, Keck Medicine of University of Southern California (USC) researchers aim to discover clues to metastatic cancer growth by developing a first-ever integrated bioengineered/computational model of metastatic color cancer. …

J. Jean Cui, PhD, tells the tale of the cancer therapeutic Xalkori. (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Pfizer’s J. Jean Cui explains modern drug discovery

Pfizer’s J. Jean Cui explains modern drug discovery

Only five percent of potential cancer drugs make it from phase I clinical trail to FDA approval, but J. Jean Cui, PhD, associate research fellow at Pfizer, beat the odds. Cui visited …

Embryonic stem cells (Image/courtesy of Qi-Long Ying); featured image for USC researcher reveals how to better master stem cells’ fate

USC researcher reveals how to better master stem cells’ fate

USC scientist Qi-Long Ying and a team of researchers have long been searching for biotech’s version of the fountain of youth — ways to encourage embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and epiblast stem …

Judy Villablanca (Photo courtesy of Children's Hospital Los Angeles)

Magnetic treatment for high-risk neuroblastoma proves less than attractive

Removing tumor cells with a magnet? It may sound strange, but researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) and their colleagues recently explored whether this technique can create better outcomes for patients …

Speakers at the first first Zilkha Mini­Symposium on Alzheimer’s Research at USC covered a variety of topics on the devastating disease. Pictured here (left to right) are Christian Pike, PhD, associate professor, USC Davis School of Gerontology; Hong-Wei Dong, MD, PhD, associate professor, department of neurology; Roberta Brinton, PhD, R. Pete Vanderveen Chair in Therapeutic Discovery & Development; Maria Carrillo, vice president, medical and scientific relations, Alzheimer’s Association; Russell Jacobs, PhD, member, Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute; Arthur W. Toga, PhD, Provost Professor of Ophthalmology, Neurology, Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences, Radiology and Engineering; director of the USC Institute for Neuroimaging and Informatics; Paul Thompson, PhD, professor of ophthalmology, neurology, psychiatry and the behavioral sciences, radiology and engineering; Helena Chui, MD, Raymond and Betty McCarron Chair in Neurology; Lon Schneider, MD, director, USC Alzheimer Disease Research and Clinical Center; Berislav Zlokovic, MD, PhD, director, Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute; and Scott Fraser, PhD, Provost Professor of Biological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering. (Photo by Amy E. Hamaker); featured image for First Zilkha Alzheimer’s Mini-Symposium examines vascular system connections

First Zilkha Alzheimer’s Mini-Symposium examines vascular system connections

Alzheimer’s disease is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, and more than five million Americans live with the disease, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Conquering Alzheimer’s was the …

From left, Andrew P. McMahon, director of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research, with Yong Chen’s son Gary and researcher Qi-Long Ying (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Businessman invests in stem cell research at USC

Businessman invests in stem cell research at USC

Chinese businessman Yong Chen has pledged $1 million to USC stem cell researcher Qi-Long Ying to support his future “eureka moments.” “When I talked to Mr. Chen, I told him that groundbreaking …

Neural stem cells derived from self-renewing mouse embryonic stem cells (Image courtesy of Qi-Long Ying); featured image for A special protein helps embryonic stem cells keep their options open

A special protein helps embryonic stem cells keep their options open

In the ongoing quest to understand how embryonic stem cells (ESCs) retain their ability to differentiate into virtually any kind of cell, USC faculty member Qi-Long Ying and a team of researchers …

From left, Gage Crump, Jay R. Lieberman and Francesca Mariani (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for USC announces winners of first Regenerative Medicine Initiative awards

USC announces winners of first Regenerative Medicine Initiative awards

Three newly assembled disease teams within USC Stem Cell will take the early steps this year that might lead to future stem-cell based therapies for certain forms of deafness, bone defects and …

Qi-Long Ying (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for A genetic catch-22 promotes and prevents liver cancer

A genetic catch-22 promotes and prevents liver cancer

Can the same gene prevent and promote cancer? When it comes to liver cancer, the gene that codes for P53, a protein found in humans and many other animals, involves this catch-22. …

Wange Lu (Photo by Chris Shinn); featured image for USC study sheds light on stem cell reprogramming

USC study sheds light on stem cell reprogramming

Researchers are learning how to turn regular cells into stem cells, a process called reprogramming. However, some of the mechanisms of the process remain unknown, such as why only a small proportion of the cells can be reprogrammed. Researchers have at least part of the answer: the structure of genes.

Norman Arnheim; featured image for Common genetic disease linked to father’s age

Common genetic disease linked to father’s age

Scientists at USC have unlocked the mystery of why new cases of the genetic disease Noonan syndrome are so common—a mutation, which causes the disease, disproportionately increases a normal father’s production of …

Songtao Shi, DDS, PhD (Photo courtesy of the Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC); featured image for New method to treat chemo-related jaw bone necrosis

New method to treat chemo-related jaw bone necrosis

Over the last decade, osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) has emerged as a devastating and debilitating condition of cancer patients receiving high doses of antiresorptive chemotherapy (bisphosphonates and denosumab). ONJ currently has …

From left to right: Mr. K.V. Kumar, Dr. Andy McMahon, Sir John Gurdon and Mr. Jonathan Thomas (Photo courtesy of USC); featured image for Interview with Sir John Gurdon

Interview with Sir John Gurdon

Sir John Gurdon, a Nobel Prize-winning biologist whose experiments in the field of cloning laid the foundation for modern stem cell research, visited the USC Health Sciences Campus on May 16. He …