Dr. Lien’s lab is defining the molecular and cellular mechanisms of heart regeneration in zebrafish with the long-term goal of enhancing regenerative capacity and replacing defective tissues in diseased human hearts.


Building an Incubator for Medicine of the 21st Century; featured image for Building an Incubator for Medicine of the 21st Century

Building an Incubator for Medicine of the 21st Century

USC Stem Cell is pleased to introduce our new publication. We hope you’ll enjoy reflecting back on our history, while looking ahead to the transformative times to come. Read now at https://stemcell.keck.usc.edu/wp-content/themes/stemcell/incubator.

Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien; featured image for California’s stem cell agency awards CHLA $5 million training grant

California’s stem cell agency awards CHLA $5 million training grant

Stem cells are the seeds that grow our hearts, brains, lungs, intestines—every one of the body’s tissues and organs. By studying stem cells and their potential to replace damaged or dysfunctional cells, …

Zebrafish heart with coronary vessels (Image courtesy of Ellen Lien/Children's Hospital Los Angeles)

Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien awarded $1.7 million to study heart regeneration

Ching-Ling (Ellen) Lien, an investigator at The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) and principal investigator with USC Stem Cell, has been awarded nearly $1.7 million, over a four …

Tracy C. Grikscheit; featured image for Zebrafish provide a novel model to study short bowel syndrome

Zebrafish provide a novel model to study short bowel syndrome

USC Stem Cell investigators at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) are providing new hope for babies with short bowel syndrome (SBS) by developing a novel model of SBS in zebrafish, described in …

Coronary vasculature in zebrafish (Image courtesy of Children's Hospital Los Angeles)

Tiny heart, big promise

The heart has its own dedicated blood supply, with coronary arteries that supply oxygen-rich blood to the heart and cardiac veins that remove deoxygenated blood. This system of vessels nourishes the heart, …

Neonatal mouse heart showing basal level of proliferating cardiomyocytes (red: cardiomyocytes; green: proliferating cardiomyocytes; RV: right ventricle; LV: left ventricle). (Image courtesy of Ellen Lien); featured image for Mammalian heart regenerative capacity depends on severity of injury

Mammalian heart regenerative capacity depends on severity of injury

A new study by researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA) has shown that neonatal mouse hearts have varying regenerative capacities depending upon the severity of injury. Using cryoinjury — damaging the …

Andy McMahon, PhD, FRS (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Stem cells prove their potency at CHLA annual symposium

Stem cells prove their potency at CHLA annual symposium

The Saban Research Institute of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Annual Symposium, held on Feb. 21, focused on the promise of regenerative medicine and cellular therapies — from curing HIV to building organs …

Event organizers Henry Sucov, PhD, and Ellen Lien, PhD, during Lien’s talk “Growth Factor Signaling in Heart Regeneration.” (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Cardiovascular symposium takes the pulse of current research

Cardiovascular symposium takes the pulse of current research

Researchers addressed the leading cause of death in the U.S. at the Los Angeles Area Cardiovascular Research Symposium and Research Award Reception, which brought together the region’s cardiovascular specialists to examine the …