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Kidney and Urinary System News
From left: USC relay runners Valeria Mancino, Nils Lindstrom, Qing Liu, Jill McMahon, Kenneth Hallows, Andy McMahon, Daniel Rivera, Nuria Pastor-Soler, Veronica Haro-Acosta and Tracy Tran (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Support the UKRO Los Angeles Marathon Charity Relay Team

Support the UKRO Los Angeles Marathon Charity Relay Team

One out of every two adults will develop chronic kidney disease during their lifetimes. To help these patients, USC scientists and clinicians are putting their feet to the task as part of …

From left, Eun Ji Chung from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering, and Larissa Rodriguez and Rong Zhang from the Keck School of Medicine of USC (Photos courtesy of USC); featured image for Broad Innovation Award winners aim to reduce bathroom breaks with stem cells

Broad Innovation Award winners aim to reduce bathroom breaks with stem cells

Having a baby can change a woman’s life in one way that she is often too embarrassed to mention. Childbirth can cause urinary incontinence, which affects up to 13 million people and …

Senta Georgia (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for What I’m Reading: Top pick from stem cell faculty member Senta Georgia

What I’m Reading: Top pick from stem cell faculty member Senta Georgia

Earlier this year, a team at the Karolinska Institute published a paper that profiled gene activity in single cells from human embryos created in the context of in vitro fertilization. Now this …

Qi-Long Ying (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for What I’m Reading: Top pick from stem cell faculty member Qi-Long Ying

What I’m Reading: Top pick from stem cell faculty member Qi-Long Ying

In a recent study published in Cell Stem Cell, Joshua Black and colleagues demonstrated that skin cells are converted into neurons using a powerful tool called CRISPR/Cas9 to concurrently modify and activate …

Wange Lu (Photo by Chris Shinn); featured image for What I’m reading: Top pick from stem cell faculty member Wange Lu

What I’m reading: Top pick from stem cell faculty member Wange Lu

Our genetic material is packed into the nucleus of the cell, but is the packing process random or organized in some way? In a recent study published in Cell Stem Cell, Krijger …

Joseph T. Rodgers (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for What I’m reading: A top pick from stem cell faculty member Joseph T. Rodgers

What I’m reading: A top pick from stem cell faculty member Joseph T. Rodgers

In a recent issue of Science, Jay Shendure, Alexander Schier and colleagues present an extraordinarily powerful new approach to trace the lineage of cells as they divide within an organism.

From left, Andy McMahon and Gage Crump (Photos by Phil Channing and the Crump Lab); featured image for What I’m reading: Top picks from stem cell faculty members Andy McMahon and Gage Crump

What I’m reading: Top picks from stem cell faculty members Andy McMahon and Gage Crump

Andy McMahon: Leigh Turner and Paul Knoepfler present a disturbing report in Cell Stem Cell on the growth of businesses marketing stem cell interventions in the US. Los Angeles is one “stem …

Stem cells self-organize to form a hollow ball of cells. (Image by In Kyoung Mah and Francesca Mariani); featured image for A gene called Prkci helps organize organisms and their organs

A gene called Prkci helps organize organisms and their organs

A gene called Prkci can point cells in the right direction, according to a new study in Developmental Biology. In the study, USC Stem Cell researcher In Kyoung Mah from the laboratory …

Malcolm Snead (Photo courtesy of the Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC); featured image for Amplifying cell signals for potentially lower cost stem cell interventions

Amplifying cell signals for potentially lower cost stem cell interventions

Editor’s Note: USC Stem Cell principal investigators Malcolm Snead and Yan Zhou were among the authors of “Supramolecular Nanofibers Enhance Growth Factor Signaling by Increasing Lipid Raft Mobility,” published on April 12, …

3-D printed Cas9 enzyme that snips a DNA sequence at a location identified by CRISPR. (Photo courtesy of the NIH 3D Print Exchange, National Institutes of Health); featured image for USC Stem Cell scientists enter the conversation about CRISPR

USC Stem Cell scientists enter the conversation about CRISPR

CRISPR-Cas9 is a gene-editing technique that enables scientists to disable, replace or modify sections of DNA. It allows for unprecedented precision and speed in the field of genome editing. It has been used to …

From left, Edward Crandall, chair of the Department of Medicine, presents a UKRO award to Andy McMahon, chair of the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine. (Photo courtesy of HSC Communications office); featured image for Four honored at UKRO benefit gala

Four honored at UKRO benefit gala

University Kidney Research Organization (UKRO) honored USC academic and scientific leaders at its sixth gala dinner March 18 at The Beverly Hilton, with 300 attendees. This group of vocal champions of kidney …

Embryonic day 15.5 mouse kidney next to a 15.5 week human fetal kidney with SIX2 (cyan) marking the nephron progenitors and cytokeratin (red) highlighting the collecting duct system. Nuclei are in blue. (Image by Lori O'Brien)

USC researchers discover a key difference between mouse and human kidney stem cells

The best laid plans of mice and men are a bit different — at least when it comes to kidney development. Compared to a mouse, a human has nearly 100 times more nephrons, …

From left, Hsiang-Ying (Sherry) Lee, Sergei Doulatov, Leonardo Morsut, Alexander Pollen and Joan Font-Burgada (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for USC Stem Cell mini-symposium introduces next-generation researchers

USC Stem Cell mini-symposium introduces next-generation researchers

The next generation of scientists is turning to stem cells to advance our understanding of systems ranging from the blood to the brain, from the liver to the lungs. Six of these …

Qi-Long Ying (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Scientists Qi-Long Ying and Austin Smith win the 2016 McEwen Award for Innovation

Scientists Qi-Long Ying and Austin Smith win the 2016 McEwen Award for Innovation

Video by Henry Liu Researchers Qi-Long Ying from USC and Austin Smith from the University of Cambridge have won the 2016 McEwen Award for Innovation, the highest honor bestowed by the International …

Andy McMahon (Photo by Phil Channing); featured image for UKRO benefit dinner to honor USC leaders

UKRO benefit dinner to honor USC leaders

University Kidney Research Organization (UKRO) will honor a stellar group of USC academic and scientific leaders at its sixth gala dinner on March 18 at The Beverly Hilton. This group of vocal …

The gene Prkci promotes the generation of differentiated cells (red). However if Prkci activity is reduced or absent, neural stem cells (green) are promoted. (Image by In Kyoung Mah); featured image for A Prkci gene keeps stem cells in check

A Prkci gene keeps stem cells in check

When it comes to stem cells, too much of a good thing isn’t wonderful: producing too many new stem cells may lead to cancer; producing too few inhibits the repair and maintenance …

Albert Kim (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Postdoctoral fellow Albert Kim receives first Hearst Fellowship

Postdoctoral fellow Albert Kim receives first Hearst Fellowship

How do you turn stem cells into nephrons, the functional unit of the kidney? Albert D. Kim, a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Andy McMahon, is exploring this question with support …

From right, Qi-Long Ying, director of the Chang Stem Cell Engineering Facility; Daniel Chang; Andy McMahon, director of the Eli and Edythe Broad Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC; and Cai Li Chang (Photo by Cristy Lytal); featured image for Chang Stem Cell Engineering Facility brings gene editing to USC and beyond

Chang Stem Cell Engineering Facility brings gene editing to USC and beyond

Once the stuff of science fiction, genetic engineering is now offered on a fee-for-service basis at USC. On September 19, USC Stem Cell faculty and staff welcomed their supporters, the Chang and …

Activation of Sox9 (green) in nuclei (blue) of proximal tubular epithelial cells (yellow) following acute nephron injury. Surviving SOX9+ cells proliferate (red) to repair the damaged nephron restoring renal function. (Image courtesy of Sanjeev Kumar, Jing Liu, Paul Pang, A. Michaela Krautzberger, Antoine Reginensi, Haruhiko Akiyama, Andreas Schedl, Benjamin D. Humphreys and Andrew P. McMahon); featured image for Gene summons “surviving cells on deck” to repair the acutely injured kidney

Gene summons “surviving cells on deck” to repair the acutely injured kidney

In the kidney, injured cells can be kicked into reparative mode by a gene called Sox9, according to a new paper published in Cell Reports. First author Sanjeev Kumar, a postdoctoral research …

Clockwise from top left: Andre Luis de Castro Abreu, Victoria Forte, Kathy Schall and Rodrigo Martínez Monedero (Photos by Cristy Lytal); featured image for USC Stem Cell selects inaugural Broad Clinical Research Fellows

USC Stem Cell selects inaugural Broad Clinical Research Fellows

This year, the Broad Clinical Research Fellowships are enabling physician-investigators to explore stem cell-based approaches related to four very different medical conditions: breast cancer, kidney disease, deafness and short bowel syndrome. Each …