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The kidney contains macula densa cells, which orchestrate kidney regeneration.; featured image for To regenerate the kidney, please don’t pass the salt

To regenerate the kidney, please don’t pass the salt

USC study showing loss of salt and body fluid stimulates kidney regeneration in mice, suggests new therapeutic approach to chronic kidney disease. A loss of salt and body fluid can stimulate kidney …

Researcher in the lab (Photo by Chris Shinn); featured image for 2024 Call for Applications: NIH T32 PhD Fellowships in Developmental Biology, Stem Cells, and Regeneration

2024 Call for Applications: NIH T32 PhD Fellowships in Developmental Biology, Stem Cells, and Regeneration

All PhD students who are conducting research related to developmental biology, stem cell biology, and/or regenerative medicine are encouraged to apply. We have slots available for US Citizens and international students. Funding …

Dean Carolyn Meltzer; featured image for USC medical school dean appointed to CIRM board

USC medical school dean appointed to CIRM board

Acclaimed higher-ed leader, researcher and neuroradiologist Dr. Carolyn Meltzer, who leads the Keck School of Medicine of USC, takes on a governance role with California’s state stem cell agency. Carolyn C. Meltzer, …

USC stem cell research center; featured image for 2024 Call for Applications: CIRM Clinical Research Fellowship in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

2024 Call for Applications: CIRM Clinical Research Fellowship in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

We have two 1-year positions with a 1-year renewal option available for clinical trainees interested in conducting research related to stem cell biology and/or regenerative medicine in one of the leading labs …

Christian Chung; featured image for Graduates of the Keck School of Medicine of USC’s master’s, doctoral, and nurse anesthesia programs go forth with “gwenchana”

Graduates of the Keck School of Medicine of USC’s master’s, doctoral, and nurse anesthesia programs go forth with “gwenchana”

At the Keck School of Medicine of USC’s 2024 Commencement Ceremony for the master’s, doctoral, and nurse anesthesia programs, the word of the day was “gwenchana.” “Today, I want to teach a …

(Photo by William Vasta); featured image for How the USC stem cell master’s program changed the lives of 10 alumni

How the USC stem cell master’s program changed the lives of 10 alumni

In honor of the 10th anniversary of USC’s stem cell master’s program, we asked 10 alumni to reflect on how the program changed the course of their lives and careers. Launched in …

Lab grown human nephron progenitor cells (Image by Biao Huang/Li Lab); featured image for USC-led study introduces a new and improved way to grow the cells that give rise to the kidney’s filtration system

USC-led study introduces a new and improved way to grow the cells that give rise to the kidney’s filtration system

In a new study published in Cell Stem Cell, USC scientists report significant progress in cultivating nephron progenitor cells (NPCs), the cells destined to form the kidney’s filtration system, the nephrons. NPCs …

At the lab bench (Photo by Chris Shinn); featured image for 2024–2025 Broad Collaborative Challenge Grant for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

2024–2025 Broad Collaborative Challenge Grant for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows

To stimulate interdisciplinary and creative trainee-directed stem cell research Overview USC Stem Cell invites applications for the Broad Collaborative Challenge Grant for Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Fellows. The goal of the program …

Organoid with neurons labeled in green (Image by Joshua Berlind/Ichida Lab); featured image for Organoids reveal how to protect the brain against dementia and ALS following traumatic injury, according to USC Stem Cell study

Organoids reveal how to protect the brain against dementia and ALS following traumatic injury, according to USC Stem Cell study

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can quadruple your risk for developing dementia, and also increase your chances of developing neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS. In a new study published in Cell Stem …

Charles (Chuck) Murry (Photo by Gavin Sisk/ University of Washington); featured image for USC Stem Cell welcomes new leader, renowned physician-scientist Chuck Murry

USC Stem Cell welcomes new leader, renowned physician-scientist Chuck Murry

Charles (Chuck) Murry, MD, PhD, has been appointed as the next head of USC Stem Cell. In that capacity, he will be the chair of the Department of Stem Cell Biology and …

Lines of green fluorescent protein (GFP) show cells lighting up red and turning into muscle cells on the GFP scaffold. (Image by Mher Garibyan); featured image for A green light to build muscle cells on command

A green light to build muscle cells on command

It may sound like something from science fiction. To grow and modify muscle tissue in the lab using technology that shapes the muscle cells, blood vessels and nerves into whatever pattern you …

Eli and Edythe Broad CIRM Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC; featured image for 2024 Call for Applications: CIRM Clinical Research Fellowship in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

2024 Call for Applications: CIRM Clinical Research Fellowship in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

We are pleased to offer two positions for clinical trainees excited to carry out research related to stem cell biology and/or regenerative medicine in premier labs at USC. Current US clinical residents …

Linda Sher; featured image for USC surgeon-scientist Linda Sher receives $2.7 million CIRM grant to develop and test immunologically modified and humanized swine livers

USC surgeon-scientist Linda Sher receives $2.7 million CIRM grant to develop and test immunologically modified and humanized swine livers

In 1992, Linda Sher was part of a surgical team at Cedars-Sinai that transplanted a pig liver into a human patient for the first time in the history of medicine. The pig …

Kidney organoids with proximal tubules (Image by Jack Schnell/Lindström Lab); featured image for $3.95 million CIRM grant establishes USC ASCEND Center to make stem cell-derived  organ models accessible to all

$3.95 million CIRM grant establishes USC ASCEND Center to make stem cell-derived organ models accessible to all

To democratize access to lab-grown organ-like structures known as organoids and other advanced stem cell and transcriptomic technologies, USC will launch the CIRM ASCEND Center, dedicated to “Advancing Stem Cell Education and …

Clockwise from top left – Yang Chai, Denis Evseenko, Peter Kuhn and Justin Ichida, NAI 2024 class of senior members. (Chai photo/ Chris Shinn; Evseenko and Ichida photos/Richard Carrasco; Kuhn photo/Peter Zhaoyu Zhou); featured image for National Academy of Inventors elects four Keck School of Medicine of USC faculty as senior members

National Academy of Inventors elects four Keck School of Medicine of USC faculty as senior members

The National Academy of Inventors (NAI), a nonprofit member organization that encourages inventors in higher education, has announced that four researchers from the Keck School of Medicine of USC are part of …

Fork (Image courtesy of iStock); featured image for USC study shows how cycles of a fasting-mimicking diet reduce insulin resistance, liver fat, immune system aging, and biological age in clinical trial patients

USC study shows how cycles of a fasting-mimicking diet reduce insulin resistance, liver fat, immune system aging, and biological age in clinical trial patients

Cycles of a diet that mimics fasting reduce signs of immune system aging as well as insulin resistance and liver fat in humans, resulting in a lower biological age, according to a …

Rong Lu (right) and Du Jiang (Photo by Gal Manella); featured image for USC Stem Cell study shows how gene activity modulates the amount of immune cell production in mice

USC Stem Cell study shows how gene activity modulates the amount of immune cell production in mice

As people age or become ill, their immune systems can become exhausted and less capable of fighting off viruses such as the flu or COVID-19. In a new mouse study funded in …

Oliver Bell and Daniel Bsteh; featured image for USC Stem Cell study throws our understanding of gene regulation for a loop

USC Stem Cell study throws our understanding of gene regulation for a loop

The blueprint for human life lies within the DNA in the nucleus of each of our cells. In human cells, around six and a half feet of this genetic material must be …

Neil Segil (Photo by Chris Shinn); featured image for 2024 Segil Stem Cell Travel Scholarship: Call for Applications

2024 Segil Stem Cell Travel Scholarship: Call for Applications

We are pleased to announce that applications are open for two 2024 Segil Stem Cell Travel Scholarships. The Neil Segil Stem Cell Travel Scholarship fund was set up to commemorate our friend …

Lab-grown 6-month-old human Purkinje cell (Image by Alexander Atamian and Marcella Birtele/Quadrato Lab); featured image for USC Stem Cell scientists develop a game-changing organoid model to study human cerebellar development and disease

USC Stem Cell scientists develop a game-changing organoid model to study human cerebellar development and disease

In a first for USC Stem Cell scientists, the laboratory of Giorgia Quadrato, an assistant professor of stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, has pioneered a novel human brain organoid model that …